Have you ever thought that a labyrinthitis crisis could be a blessing?

Photo courtesy of ©iStockphoto/bmcent1
For the last two years or so, maybe more, I’ve been in a very intense rhythm at work. About a month ago, I talked to my manager and asked her to check how I could get a non-paid leave from work for one week. I knew I needed to get some rest and I had no vacation days left until April, so I had no other choice.
However, before I could get any response from her, my body decided to do what was needed.
On January 28th (a Friday), I woke up to the world spinning like crazy around me. I’ve had a few crisis like this before, so I knew what it was: labyrinthitis. The last time it happened, about 8 years ago, my doctor had prescribed a medicine that I could take if I felt dizzy, so I did my best to get to the medicine cabinet and take it.
I waited a couple of hours so the medicine could kick in and allow me to stand up and walk more securely. Then I called a taxi and went to a nearby hospital.
The doctor examed me, he asked lots of questions and finally confirmed what I already knew: it was indeed labyrinthitis. He also said that this crisis was most likely triggered by stress. That didn’t surprise me.
He precribed a couple of medicines and he said that I should avoid looking at a screen computer for about a week, so he got me a medical leave from work for 7 days and told me to keep from using the computer at home too. I should also avoid any food that might trigger dizziness (mainly chocolate, coffee and Coke), and I already knew that from my previous episodes.
If you’re wondering, the problem with using the computer is staring at the same spot for too long. According to the doctor, it can worse the dizziness.
I left the hospital and went to my parents house, so I wouldn’t be alone. If it got any worse, I would need help to do almost anything.
Due to a side effect from the medicines I started taking, I slept through the rest of the day and through Saturday, which is a blessing. When the world is spinning, there’s no better thing to do than sleep.
On Sunday, I was feeling much better, with just a light dizziness. Throughout the rest of the week, I stick to the doctor’s orders and didn’t use my computer or my gadgets, which felt like I was being punished from something. I’m kind of a geek, so most of the things I do in my spare time involve some kind of electronics. Even the vast mojority of my books are electronic.
So I took the doctor’s orders seriously and kept from using my beloved gadgets.
Through these days, I just asked God to allow my body and mind to rest and recover. And I thanked him that He allowed this crisis to surface, or maybe it would’ve been worse.
I started working again last Thursday, after I went to the doctor again and he said I could do so, and I’ve been trying to still avoid using my computer and my gadgets at home, or at least I’ve been forcing myself to do it for very short periods of time if needed.
That’s why I’ve been silent for the last couple of weeks and it also took me several days to complete this post.
Through this crisis, I was forced to get the rest I needed. I’ve got to say that I thank God for that…
Hi Cris
I guess we can call what you’ve been through a “blessing in disguise”.
We know God works in misterious ways, so, the best to do is to pay attention to the signs your body sends you and try to relax; also know that I’m sure your family is glad to care for you.
We just gotta remember that God is in control, we just have to let Him do what he does best- take care of us, no matter how. God bless!
Lily, you’re absolutely right. God is in control and He knows best!
Thanks so much for your comment.