It was December 1995, almost two years after I (truly) accepted Jesus as my Savior. I was working at the IT department of a government hospital and I decided to look for another job.
Before I started sending out copies of my résumé, I prayed to God and asked Him to choose which company I should work at. I told Him that I knew I would never make as good a choice as Him, so I asked Him for a sign: I told Him I wanted to be contacted by one company only (in spite of dozens résumés I planned to send out) – then I would know that it was the one, the one that God chose.
I asked one more thing: my salary was very low, I could hardly make it to the end of the month just by paying for food and bus and subway fares. So I asked God to double my current salary. I really needed it. And God knew it. But I didn’t consider this a ‘must-have’, just a ‘nice-to-have’ item.
A few months later, I received a telegram from IBM. For the young people out there – yes, it was a telegram, the grandpa of emails.
I couldn’t believe it. IBM was the dream company of any IT professional. Working there was my dream ever since college, the kind of dream that you don’t bother talking about because you think it could never happen. You can see it was a big deal for me.
I confirmed my presence calling the phone number on the telegram, and I went there on the scheduled date.
When the HR employee described the job that was available, and I realized that it fit my professional skills perfectly, I knew it for sure: the job was mine. It was the one that God prepared for me.
Then, they said the salary they were offering: it was a few bucks more than double of my current salary! Can you believe it?
That day we only did some written tests and were told to wait for a call to tell us whether we would be called for the interviews. After I got back home, later the same day, I got the call. They wanted to schedule the first interview.
I was so sure that God prepared that new job for me that I quit my job the next day, three days before my first scheduled interview at IBM.
In fact, after four interviews, I was told the job was mine. And they needed me to submit all documentation on the following few days. Due to the fact that I had already quit my previous job, I was able to attend their request.
I started working at IBM in April, 15th 1996. A special day when a dream I had never dared to dream came true.
Through that experience I learned to truly trust God with my life. I learned to let Him make the decisions, and just trust Him. He will always choose best.
Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:3,4)
Cris, independente de você ter o sinal ou não, independente de você ter pedido ou não, independente de suas escolhas, independente do que aconteça, sempre será a vontade disso que você chama de deus (falo assim porque não gosto muito dessa palavra “deus”). Porque isso está em todas as coisas e todas as coisas estão nisso.
Boa sorte no seu novo desafio, seja lá onde for. E lembre-se que tudo acontecerá do jeito que precisa acontecer.
Oi Avi, que surpresa bacana!
Nossa base de fé é diferente, mas fico feliz que você tenha se sentido à vontade e deixado seu comentário.
Muito obrigada mesmo!
Um grande abraço!