I was enjoying my vacation last May, traveling to the USA. At that time, I already knew that God wanted me to quit my job, but I was still asking for signs to confirm it.
My sister was with me, and we wanted to go to a christian bookstore before we left for Brazil, so we got a couple of addresses from a website and used the GPS to get there. The first one was closed, so we went to the second one.
There we were, and after I finished browsing through the DVD section, I got to the books section.
For many years, first with my old Palm device, then with Kindle (first, the app in my iPhone and then the physical Kindle), I got used to reading ebooks. The convenience of reading my books wherever I am, and the fact that I live in an apartment which has no room left for books led me to stop buying “paper” books.
So there I was, next to the books stands, and since I wasn’t going to buy any books, I just stood there waiting for my sister.
Then I saw a book, it was on the second shelf of books about five meters (16 feet) away from me. I couldn’t tell the title from where I was standing, but there was something about it. Out of lots of books around me, that one seemed to be calling me. I needed to check it out.